Cascade Home Design is a custom home designer with traditional and modern touches. We offer a wide variety of residential designs and consulting throughout Washington State.
By limiting the number of projects taken on at one time, we are able to focus and be responsive in every phase of the project. Project budgets vary. Our end result is to allow for a creative yet sustainable design.

With more than 10 years of experience in residential design, Cascade Home Design is a top-tier designer in the Pacific Northwest. CHD provides construction and permit drawings for custom homes, spec homes, remodels and additions, Mother in Law suites, garages, and shops.
We strive to deliver quality designs that are efficient to build!

Along with a skill for architectural design, Cascade Home Design has more than 10 years of experience working through the entire design & build process. With a network of professionals on speed dial, CHD has access to more than 25 years of knowledge in the residential building field.
This expertise includes everything from design to permitting and even engineering & building.
Cascade Home Design is your leading choice for architectural design and project consulting.

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